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Search Results For "finance"

  • Certificate in Business Finance ANZ Institute Faculty
    The Certificate in Business Finance is an introduction to finance for corporate managers who have frontline market and business responsibilities. The content has been designed to provide a broad coverage of common financial issues such as profit, pricing and return on investments, business liquidity and market valuation of assets and businesses. It sets the platform for further learning and understanding other more complex issues.
    9 Lessons 01:01:59 Hours English
    0 Ratings
  • Certificate in Board Room Finance ANZ Institute Faculty
    This is a specially designed program for corporate directors of large companies including those directors of corporations that are publicly traded on the securities exchanges. In today’s complex corporate environment, a director and any member of the board, has increasing corporate responsibilities and liabilities, some of which are very severe in relation to the compensation received for being a director.
    7 Lessons 01:04:18 Hours English
    0 Ratings
  • Certificate in Finance for Leadership Roles ANZ Institute Faculty
    Organizations are managed by managers at all levels across different functions and operating processes. Financial resources are then allocated and these managers make the decisions on how they are deployed for the most effective outcome at work. Managers operate with their team members, colleagues and subordinates. While they may not be accountants, all of them have some form of accountability over budgets and how the allocated resources are used.
    7 Lessons 01:06:03 Hours English
    0 Ratings